<b>My Prayer wear <u>is only for smartwatches running Android Wear</u>. It needs My Prayer app version 2.1 or above on the device to work, and is compatible with Android 4.3 or above.</b>
<i>To install My Prayer:</i>
<b>User Instructions:</b>
1- My Prayer app must be installed on the phone to use the smartwatch app.
2- When running the watch app for the first time, you must connect the phone, then launch My Prayer app to send data to the watch app. Retry if it doesn’t work.
3- All My Prayer settings will apply on the smartwatch app.
4- Smartwatch app settings can be changed from My Prayer app.
5- All notifications will come from My Prayer app on the phone, not the app on the watch.
<i>Our Page:</i>
<i>Our Email:</i>